The princess learns what the enemy soldiers have planned for her...
Held captive by her enemies, the former princess is taken to her final destination - not a dungeon cell, but the enemy barracks, where she is chained with her legs spread for any soldier to use. As the days blur together, she begins to lose all hope and adapt to her new life. But she soon learns that even serving the enemy soldiers isn't enough to guarantee they don't have further plans for her.
Held captive by the enemy army, the former princess is taken to her final destination – not a prison or dungeon, but the enemy barracks, where she is chained with her legs spread for any soldier to use her for his pleasure. As the days blur together, she begins to lose all hope of ever escaping and returning to a normal life.
But there are still those in the kingdom with plans for her… and she learns that even adapting to the routine of serving the enemy soldiers isn’t enough to guarantee peace.
Captive Princess: Chained and Gangbanged in the Enemy Barracks is a work of taboo erotica featuring nonconsensual gangbangs.