Captured by the Invading Army: Day 1

Captured by the Invading Army: Day 1

When the army invades, they have plans for the captured women...

When an invading army sweeps through the village and takes everyone prisoner, Amelia tries to flee. Instead, she's captured by enemy soldiers and stripped, restrained in stocks in the town square along with all the other village women. As prisoners, they're now on display for the soldiers to use however they please, and she soon finds a long line of men waiting for their turn with her. It's going to be a very long night.

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About the Book

A noncon erotica short featuring stocks and pillories used as restraints.

Set in the same universe as The Captured Queen and Captive Princess, this story can nevertheless be enjoyed on its own.

Author: Mira Hunt
Series: Captured by the Invading Army
Genre: Erotica
Length: 3554 words
List Price: 2.99
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Mira Hunt

Mira breaks up the mundane nature of daily life by imagining dark erotic fantasies. One day, it occurred to her that she could put pen to paper and bring those same fantasies to life for other readers to enjoy. Now she writes dark erotica for the pleasure of herself and others.

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