Thrown into the dungeon, the queen is at her enemies' mercy...
Imprisoned by her enemies, the queen tries to escape - only to be caught. Cast into the deepest dungeon as punishment, where she herself once locked up criminals, she now finds herself at the mercy of men who are eager to get revenge by forcing her legs apart and using her for their pleasure. No amount of struggling or screaming will help her now...
Imprisoned in the castle and forced to be the conquering regent’s consort, the former queen Cassandra believes she finally has a chance to escape. She slips out through the unlocked door, intent on leaving the castle behind, only to learn it was a trap. The regent catches her and declares she must be punished as a common prisoner.
Cast into the darkest dungeon where Cassandra herself imprisoned criminals while she was queen, she now finds herself at their mercy. When their hated queen is cast among them, they waste no time before forcing her legs apart and using her for their pleasure.
A historical noncon gangbang short.