Her body becomes the prize in a game of cards...
Taken prisoner by the invading army, a young woman is tied up and brought to the tavern to serve as a gambling prize. As the men play cards for her helpless body, all she can do is lie there as each match raises the stakes of how the winner gets to use her.
Ever since the enemy army conquered the village, all the village women have become toys for the soldiers’ pleasure. Taken into the tavern by a group of rowdy soldiers, Rosa learns that she is now the prize at the gambling hall. As the men play cards for her helpless body, each match results in a new winner getting to use her. First they strip her, then they grope her, and she knows the worst is yet to come…
Captured by the Invading Army: Gangbanged as a Gambling Prize is a work of taboo erotica featuring noncon gangbangs and bondage.